Greeting from the Prez – July 2004

July finally brought out all the boats we’ve been waiting for, with 21 starters on July 3rd. It’s great to see all the boats out and hopefully even more in the coming weeks.

First, a big thank you to Jane & John Casler for hosting a great steak cookout on July 3rd. Everyone who attended had a great time. Tom Despres, our social chair, was instrumental in getting the word out and helping arrange for the event.

July also saw the arrival on the starting line of the likes of Bill Dalton & Steve Dalton, Jack Day, Bruce Bolen, Jim Taylor, Kim & Ken Adam, Jan-Paul Zonnenberg, Jim Raisides and Paul Girard. Hopefully our numbers will continue to build as we approach Race Week.

There are a couple of very affordable boats available, newly listed in this issue. If you know of folks who might like an inexpensive way into the fleet

As of now, we have 33 boats registered for Race Week.