Greeting from the Prez – May 2005

First, I’d like to announce our new fleet members. On March 3rd at 10:20pm, Mike & Kathleen Lane were surprised by a baby girl, Molly, over a month early! She weighed in at a mere 4 pounds, 14 ounces, but is doing great and has already more than doubled her birth weight. Andy & Julie Savage also welcomed a baby girl into their family: Elizabeth was born April 21st at 9:50am, 7 pounds, 13 ounces, 20 inches. Mom and daughter are home and are both doing wonderfully.

Measurement and Tuning Clinic

To help you sail your best this season, we are planning a Measurement and Tuning Clinic on Sunday June 5th at 11AM at the Corinthian Yacht Club. See the enclosed flyer!

Spring Meeting Debrief

The fleet enjoyed a great spring meeting this year- it is always great to start talking about sailing again! Thanks to Tom Despres for keeping our terrible thirst at bay. Some of the highlights:

  1. Registration Report – As of May 9th, we have received 29 MRA registrations and 32 Fleet 5 registrations. Also, special thanks to all those boat owners who signed up their crew as “Associate Members” for the Rhodes National class. There were 9 such sign-ups this year.
  2. Budget Update – The fleet remains on solid financial footing; our budget this year is based on ~$1675 income from registrations. About 2/3 of the fleet expenses go toward the social events, with the remainder allocated towards awards, website, postage, etc.
  3. MRA Update – There will be some changes this year. A few items are highlighted on the next page. As always — please read the SI’s carefully as they govern. If you don’t have a copy, email Steve Uhl Some new changes in the MRA social scene are brewing as well! On Sunday May 30th after the Spring Regatta there will be an MRA party (tentative). And at the conclusion of the 1st MRA series, on July 9th, there will be an MRA party at CYC. All the more reason to get out and race!
  4. Scoring – The fleet agree to the following items:
    • Those attending the East Coast Championship in Hingham will receive a BYE for MRA racing on 8/13/05
    • Rhodes 19 Fleet 5 Season Championship – Scoring will be based only on those boats registered in Fleet 5
    • Social – Just look at the upcoming events. Stay tuned to email for more detail! Family Round-the-Rock Race On Sunday, August 21st, 11am, Corinthian Yacht Club the fleet will be hosting a race from the Twilight Series booth at the Corinthian Yacht Club, around Halfway rock, and back to the Twilight Series booth. There will be a cash, post-race cookout and awards. Spinnakers will not be used and you are strongly encouraged to have your kids or crew do the driving! More details to follow!

Rules Seminar

Also, on May 26th 6-9PM in CYC Harbor Room, Pat Stadel, Senior Judge for U.S. Sailing, will be discussing rules changes for 2005-2008. There is no fee for attending this event.

Team Racing Anyone?

On June 11 and August 6 the MRA will be conducting team racing on the Tinkers Line for any fleet that wants to participate. If you are interested, please contact Mike Lane ( or 978-304-3600)

Twilight Series!

Every Thursday evening (after Memorial Day) the Corinthian Yacht Club hosts the Twilight Series. This is a great opportunity to share the driving with your kids or crew and relax while getting in a little low impact racing (no spinnakers). Stop by the club to pick up a Notice of Race. Typically, fleet members all sit together and commiserate about the race and enjoy the beautiful sunsets! Cash dinner and bar. All are invited.

Web Site

We are putting together an online fleet roster. Now you will finally be able to figure out who that person in boat #??? is! Please send a photo of your boat, you and your crew to Steve Uhl ( As always, we are eager for your feedback regarding the web site.