What happened to the season? The summer series is finished and after the PHRF break the Labor Day regatta is next up.
Social Update:
First, an update on the social calendar just to prove that there is much more to our season than sailing around the bouys. Thanks to our perpetual hosts Jane and John Casler for holding the Independence Day Party. With a bye weekend from MRA and the fleet party falling on the Fourth of July, the party had an early start time to allow folks to take in Marblehead’s fireworks display. We also owe a big thank you to Social Chair Jim Raisides and super hostess Vonda for bringing the dampened Race Week party indoors and allowing 50 or 60 soggy sailors to take over their home. Next up is the Labor Day weekend party. This year it will be hosted By Charlie and Sloan Pendleton at their home at 94 Nanepashemet St. Marblehead. Party is after racing on Saturday Sept 5th with a 6:00 start time. This is a pot-luck dinner so please respond to the upcoming evite or Jim Raisides at 781-639-1602 with what you will bring and how many people in your group.
Racing Results:
East Coast Championship
Congratulations to New East Coast Champions Doug Trees and Chris Small. Rounding out the top five finishers from Marblehead were Charlie Pendleton and Jim Raisides in second place, Kim and Christina Pandapas in fourth, Jeff Shoreman and Dave Reynolds in sixth and Ian Peebles and Pete Kasnoski in seventh place. With this strong showing, Fleet 5 is the first recipient of a new perpetual trophy donated by regatta chair Bill Bradford from Hull Yacht Club. The beautiful hand carved wooden trophy is Bill’s handiwork and will be awarded to the fleet with the best finish of their top 5 participants. The trophy was on display at the race week party and if in case you missed it will be available at the next fleet event.
Marblehead Race Week
This was an unusual Race Week with plenty of wind on the days we raced and way to much on the blowout day on Friday. Congratulations to Jim Raisides and Charlie Pendleton for their first place finish. Rounding out the top five were Doug Trees and Chris Small, Nick Cann, Kim and Christian Pandapas and Jan Paul
Zonnenberg. Local photographer Leighton O’Connor has some great photos from Race Week available on his website www.leightonphoto.com. If your boat is not in one of the shots you must not have been there.
Sears Cup
Congratulations and thank you to Christina Pandapas and Charlie Pendleton for their work coordinating the recent Sears Cup. Also thanks to Jerry Blouin and Norm Cressy who served as bosuns for the event and took exceptional care of the donated boats. With 7 first place finishes, the racing was dominated by west coast
sailors Scott and Evan Hoffman with crew Collen Hackett. For a great summary of the event check out Christina’s article in the Marblehead Reporter on line at www.wickedlocal.com/marblehead.
CYC Junior Keelboat Regatta
Following the Sears Cup, Marblehead’s own junior regatta was raced out of Corinthian Yacht Club on Sunday Aug 16th. Participants in order of finish were Nicholas Pandapas, Clark and Thornton Uhl, Wilson Kaznoski and Isabella Renny and Sophie and Mollie Lane. Congratulations all.
New Fleet:
The Rhodes 19 Class has a new fleet, Fleet 50 in Provincetown, MA. In case you were looking for a reason to load the Rhodes on to your trailer and head to Provincetown in September here it is. Provincetown hosts the Great Provincetown Schooner Regatta and Yacht Race the week of September 7th. This is a big regional event and this year with the introduction of Fleet 50 there will be an associated Rhodes 19 regatta Sept 9th – 12th. Here is the link to the overall event http://www.provincetownschoonerrace.com. The pictures will make you want to go if not this year than next. Here is a direct link to this years NOR and registration form for those who can’t wait.