Tuning Pictures from Jud
Huge Thanks goes out to Jud Smith, who managed to get some decent photos and deliver a killer tuning clinic, despite the conditions. Here’s the link to photos.
Huge Thanks goes out to Jud Smith, who managed to get some decent photos and deliver a killer tuning clinic, despite the conditions. Here’s the link to photos.
Now is the time to learn the new rules, fix what’s broken and plan your summer schedule of racing. Soon, the weather will be warm and your free time will be less.
*Road To The Cup – Week 7 – Independence Day Edition* *Top-10 as of 7/4/15* Not a lot to report this week with no MRA racing. There was a Twilight race on Thursday night, which is reported to us this week by *Steve Uhl*. Poor Steve was forced to rush over late to CYC for…
I see too many Rhodes with their boom angled up and bouncing around downwind. The top of their sail is twisted off and wind is spilling out. Use the vang to flatten out your leach and keep your boom stable. The top batten should be parallel to your boom in most conditions. In very heavy…
Quick, wrap things up at the office and head to Marblehead for Friday Evening Racing!
*Road To The Cup – Week 13* *Top-10 as of 8/16/15* There was a lot of nationals stuff in the mailbag this week. For starters, you can pick up your info package at www.r19nationals.com/content/pdf/R19WelcomePacket.pdf and the NOR at www.r19nationals.com/notice-of-race. The complete schedule is in the info package but the quick & dirty looks like this….
So let’s get straight to the bottom line. Congratulations to* Dave Nelson & Frank Hart *sailing with Frank’s son *Colin Hart*. These guys sailed such a beautifully consistent regatta, putting up just 31 points over 10 races. They finished with a line that included nine single digits, including two bullets. Their only double-digit finish was…