Welcome to the experimental Fleet 5 roster.  We all want to know who’s going to be out there; we also want to know who might need crew.  This collaborative roster is driven by Google Sheets, and allows anyone in the fleet to enter their roster status by editing this link*.  Don’t forget that you can use the “Insert” menu to add notes and comments!  Please send feedback to webmaster@r19fleet5.org.


This is driven a publicly editable Google sheet.  Your edits are anonymous, but any edits are included in the revision history.  To use it:

  1. Open this link in a new tab
  2. Make your edits; your changes are automatically saved and will be published to this page every 5 minutes.  You may need to refresh this page to see your changes.
  3. In the Google Sheet under the “Insert” menu, you can add notes and comments to any cell.