Important Fleet 5 Reminders
Porch Socials:
The first of our two club porch get togethers will be this Saturday. The goal is to enjoy some cold post-race beverages together, do some clever hand sailing, detail all the brilliant (or not…) maneuvers we pulled off out on the course, and commiserate about what could have been, if only. The Fleet Bar will not make an appearance, but there will be a cash bar. Come as you are, ASAP after racing.
Saturday, July 14 at the EYC
Saturday, July 21 at the CYC
Measurement Session:
Peter Sorlien has generously offered his time on Sunday, July 15 at the EYC. If your measurement certificate is not current, contact Peter at He plans to be available from 9:30 AM thru 3PM.
Marblehead Race Week Registration:
We have 20 entries listed to date, which is below our norm. The following 2017 participants are MIA and need either a dope slap or an iron clad excuse:
Ben Richardson (last year’s winner)
Dave Nelson (2nd last year)
Matt Hooks (4th in 2017)
Dru Slattery
Team Felton
Team Martini
Sara Sheldon
Charlie Thomas
Team Berliner
Jim Ouelette