Fall Series??

Hi Fleet 5,
Even with only one race sailed in August, thanks to the MRA and the CYC Twilight team, we have once again enjoyed an embarrassment of riches in terms of opportunities to indulge our sailboat racing habit.  As of now there are just three more on the schedule:
Thurs, 9/13 Twilight
Sat, 9/22 MRA Fall
Sat, 9/29 MRA Chowder/Fall
It does not look as though there is likely to be a big turnout for either of the Saturday events.  While not wanting to discourage anyone from any last chances to go racing, if we do not expect many (or any!) Rhodes 19’s to get out for either of those Sat events, as a courtesy to the hardworking CYC Race Cmte, we need to let them know, so they don’t waste time and resources on a non-event.
IF YOU PLAN TO SAIL ON EITHER OF THESE SAT MRA DATES, YOU NEED TO LET US KNOW ASAP (reply all to this note).  If we don’t get a quorum, they will likely be cancelled.
Jim Taylor
Fleet 5 Prez.

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