MRA Registration

Hi Fleet 5,
It appears that in addition to our many other strengths as a fleet, we may lead the league in procrastination.  Registration for the 2019 MRA season has now been open for weeks, and only about half of us have signed up so far.
Maybe a reminder that MRA registrations received after May 5 will be assessed an $80.00 late fee will help stragglers (including me, until today!) find the strength to get up and do what has to be done.
Here’s a link to a letter from MRA announcing the opening of registration, and explaining the process:
And here’s a link to the registration page itself, now done through a portal called Hub Spot:  It’s so easy, even a cave man can do it.
Don’t forget that you need to register with Fleet 5 and the national Rhodes 19 Class Association, as well.  That can be found here:

We’ll be on the water in a few weeks!