Spring Clinic: How To Win the Big One

Fleet 5 Invites You to Join Us For The
2021 Fleet 5 Spring Clinic

How To Win the Big One

A Moderated Panel with:
Jud Smith & Tomas Hornos

Everyone wins a race now and then, and a few of us might be lucky enough to occasionally win the day. But winning regattas is a whole different kettle of fish. Putting together 3-4 days of consistently top five finishes, which is usually what it takes, requires preparation, planning, practice, solid execution, good decision-making and importantly, having your head screwed on straight. Fleet 5’s Spring Clinic this year will focus on precisely that, and our speakers are uniquely qualified to talk about it. Between them, Jud Smith and Tomas Hornos have won a bunch of Worlds, a gaggle of nationals and countless regionals, not to mention several Marblehead Race Weeks in several different classes. Most impressive of all, of course, is that both have won a R19 Nationals.

As Nationals are in Marblehead this year, we thought it would be neighborly to invite all class members to this virtual event. Details and Zoom link are below. Look forward to seeing you on May 6th.

Date: Thursday May 6th
Time: 7-8:30PM
Forum: Zoom
Speakers: Jud Smith & Tomas Hornos
Moderator: Kim Pandapas

If you have a question, please email it in advance by May 2nd to kpandapas@comcast.net with the subject line “Clinic Question.”

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