Greetings From The Prez

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there. I hope you are all having a well-deserved restful day. I want to start by clarifying that I am not leaving the fleet. Apparently, listing 1316 for sale confused quite a few people. While I will not be out on the line this summer, I think it’s safe to say that after 20 years in the Fleet, I’m a lifer. As most of you remember Joe and I raced a green hull last summer while some work on 1316 was finished. Long story short, we bought the green boat and now are selling 1316. We are sincerely hoping she stays in the Fleet as she is a great boat.
For better or worse, this will be the last newsletter before the start of what everyone has been waiting for – the Road To The Cup. I know Kim is already hard at work on RTTC Week 0, due to come out in a few weeks. So, in the spirit of motherhood, including repeating yourself over, and over, and over again, a few final reminders from me:
- The Spring Clinic is this coming Thursday 5.12 at the CYC. Come pick the brains of some of our top crews and skippers and figure out how to tackle your weaknesses out on the course. If you have specific questions, send them to Kim today and he will be sure we cover the topic on Thursday.
- Registration – Have you registered for the Fleet? How about the Class? MRA? Word on the street is that only 11 boats have registered for MRA so far. Racing starts in 3 weeks, so let’s all make an effort to get registered before Memorial Day.
- Twilights! While it isn’t officially scored prior to Memorial Day, booth racing starts Thursday May 26th. David Graham is looking for a few volunteers to help the Race Committee with some practice starts ahead of the 26th. If you happen to have your boat in early and could do a few starts on a Tues or Thursday night, please let David know:
- Is your measurement certificate up to date? If not, please be sure you check in with Stefan so you are good to go for….
- East Coasts! June 10th-12th in Manchester. Registration is now live on Regattaman. Check out Page 2 for more detailed information about the regatta provided by Fleet 20’s Charlie Thomas.
Ok, enough out of me. Sail fast out there!
Upcoming Events
Spring Clinic – May 12th
7-8:30pm, CYC Fantail Fleet 5 will host its annual Spring Clinic the second week in May. Come prepared with questions for the panel or email them to Kim at by May 8th
Measurement Days – Sat/Sun May 14/15 Most boats in the fleet were measured ahead of the Nationals – however, if you have work done over the winter and need to update your certificate, let Stefan know so he can plan accordingly:
Twilights Commence – May 26th The Twilight Series will start on May 26th, the Thursday before Memorial Day. Scoring will start June 2nd Start time for the Rhodes will be 7:06pm.
Spring Series – May 28th–29th Spring Series will kick off on the Saturday & Sunday of Memorial Day weekend.
East Coasts – June 10-12th
Hosted by Manchester Yacht Club. Let’s start thinking about organizing a tow or two to get everyone’s boats up there.
Summer Party – Sat. June 18th Hosted by Kim and Christina Pandapas
Marblehead NOODs – July 28th-31st Hosted by BYC, with the Fleet 5 Party Hosted by Jennifer and Steve Uhl on Thursday July 28th
Nationals – August 16th-19th at Chicago Corinthian YC.
Labor Day Party – Sat Sept 3rd Host TBD
Awards Party – Likely Sat Nov. 5th. Details to be confirmed
Short Tacks
I believe in miracles….
After having their newly restored Rhodes heart-breakingly crushed by a tree, Rich and Rosy Denton will be out on the line in this summer in none other than You Sexy Thing, which they recently purchased from Michael Carpenter. We are so excited to have them joining us this summer in boat that we all know and love. Be sure to sail by and introduce yourselves when you see them on the water this summer.
Support for Lindsay
I am happy to relay that the Gala Dinner to support Lindsay has sold out! If you can’t attend the dinner but would still like to help, you can send a donation to
Eastern Rear Commodore Alan McKinnon via check made out to Fast Mermaid Support to Alan’s attention at 21 Robert Road Marblehead MA 01945. Additionally, the BYC will be hosting the Fast Mermaid Pursuit Race on Sunday June 5th. Registration is now open on Club Spot. Click the link above for the NOR.
The Third Time’s the Charm
Charlie Thomas writes: After a two-year Covid-19 related postponement the Manchester Yacht Club and Fleet 20 are excited to host the 2022 Rhodes 19 East Coast Championship on June 10, 11, and 12. Registration is available through and the entrance fee is $275.
We hope for a good long weekend of racing with a pizza dinner after the racing Friday, casual early buffet supper Saturday, and a social get together and awards ceremony after the racing concludes Sunday. All events will have a cash bar and each racing crew member over 21 years old will receive two complimentary drink tickets for each after racing event. Every registered boat will also be entered in a raffle for a new Doyle Sail racing jib. The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions will be posted on and the Manchester Yacht Club has a filtered water dispenser and reusable water bottles in place of disposable plastic bottles are encouraged.
Fleet 5 at the Jackson Cup
The BYC recently hosted the 22nd Annual Jackson Cup, a team race regatta featuring teams from across the harbor and across the country. Fleet 5 was well represented with Evan Cooke, Christina Pandapas, Renee Heffernan and Timmy Dittrich sailing for CYC, Larry Ehrhardt and Peter Frisch sailing for EYC and Tomas Hornos and Jocelyn Cook sailing for BYC.
The Enduring Rhodes
For those of you who may have missed it last fall, Rob Patterson of Fleet 36 passed along this article from Small Boats Magazine, written by Matt Murphy, entitled “The Rhodes 19, An Uncommonly Enduring One-Design” complete with lots of great pics of and quotes from local Rhodes racers.
Notice Board
Recently updated Rhodes for sale in Winthrop – Boat comes with a trailer but no plates. The main sail is in excellent condition, the jib and spinnaker are in very good condition. It does come with recently purchased electric motor. It also has a GPS and depth gauge. $14,000 – $15,000 price range. If interested, please contact Ro:
Still looking for a mast – My O’Day Rhodes 19 was dismasted in a storm at the end of last season. We’re still somewhat new to the boat, and to racing, so I’m hesitant to commit to investing in a new mast. As such, I’m hoping to find someone who may be parting out a Rhodes, or perhaps upgraded to a new mast. Any suggestions, recommendations would be most appreciated. Best regards, John Springer
Race ready Rhodes 19 Dinner out is FOR SAIL – Dinner Out has been raced competitively in Fleet 5 and has a resume that includes several top 5 Marblehead Race Week and East Coast Championship finishes. Boat has received great care and continually upgraded with all work done by Greg Dolan, Chris Small and Kenny Harvey. Boat includes: Bottom and keel faired and repainted by Chris Small. Boat has only been dry-sailed since bottom/keel job and contains no anti-fouling paint (ie bottom and keel are smooth as a baby’s bum), New boom by Kenny Harvey, New rudder designed by Jim Taylor and made by Chris Small, New rails by Greg Dolan, Includes trailer in good condition, Tent and rudder covers for dry-sail storage, Suit of Doyle sails, racing condition. $10,000 firm. Please contact: Joe Fava (617-880-9807 or or Elise Nash (781-504-5598 or
1977 On the Road Rhodes 19 trailer – New, upgraded axle and tires, including spare (2018). Some rust. Interested? Contact Mike Lane at
Rhodes 1475 for sale – Many of you probably know the boat – Wootzl – Fred’s old boat. Sail #1475(?). The hull number is 408229. It’s reported that the main, jib and spinnaker are all in good condition. It comes on a trailer. There are a number of accessories that come with the boat as well. The boat will take some LOVE to get it to racing standards but it’s an “opportunity.” Asking $4,000. If you know of anyone looking who may be interested, please direct them to Jim Norgaard. (508) 277 6167
Clear Out Those Old Sails – Reclaim all that space in your garage, attic or sail locker. Please consider a tax-deductible donation of your old sails to either Sail Salem at or Courageous at
Nahant Fleet Needs Sails – The Nahant Sailing Program (NSP) has 6 Rhodes 19s that are used to teach kids and a twilight program for adults. The majority of funding comes from an annual fund raiser by The Friends of Nahant Sailing. The Rhodes sails need replacement, so if you have or are purchasing new sails, please consider donating your old ones to “The Friends of Nahant Sailing.” Not only will it help the program grow, but the donation is tax deductible. Please contact Bob Cusack at (781) 581-1159 or if you are interested.
Savanah Fleet Looking for Sails – The Savannah Fleet is interested purchasing used sails. Our boats are not looking to compete at a national level but our club racing is very competitive and we want to refresh the sail inventory. If you know of any of your members that are looking to purchase new sails and looking for a partner to reduce their overall cost, we would be very interested in sails that are in good shape. Please contact Doug Powelson, Captain, Fleet 49 at or 912-665-5485
Looking for Sails – Chad Atwood writes: Where can a person find a nice set of recreational sails for my Rhodes 19. Thanks, Chad Atwood: 443-995-6773 or
Please mail postings and updates to
Racer’s Resource Board
Dave Whittier of Stuart Marine in Rockland Maine is the exclusive builder of Rhodes 19s. Call Dave at 207-594-5515 for pricing on new boats, used boats, repairs and parts.
Doyle Sails at (978) 740-5950 for new sails and repairs.
Chris Small – Full restorations and glass work-, (978) 500-9021.
Seacoast Specialty Marine Call Greg Dolan at 978-255-2769, click on, or visit on Facebook @seacoastspecialtymarine.
Neal Lewanda – Repairs, fiberglass/gel coat, rudders, keel work, etc. –, 978-525-2700
Benjamin Parker of Aequoris Yachts and does glass work and boat repair. Contact Ben at 58 Gregory Street, Marblehead (207) 319-3583 or
Waterline Systems provides a complete range of services. Call at (401) 682-1661.
Cape Cod Shipbuilding makes Zephyr extrusions and a full range of mast and boom hardware and fittings. Call Dick Landis at (508) 295-2240.
The Trailer Shop – Located on 87 High St. in Danvers for any trailer repairs. Call Dan Sullivan at (978) 750-6799
Sailor’s Tailor for boat covers, rudder bags and marine stitching.
The next Fleet 5 Newsletter will be published in November. Newsletters are distributed by email. To request being added to (or removed from) Fleet 5’s distribution list, please contact Elise Nash at To respond with comments, suggestions, and/or news, email Elise Nash at