Well, after a hiatus of a few years, we are going to reestablish a more regular, printed newsletter this season. Hopefully this newsletter will serve to keep all fleet members informed about fleet events, and most importantly to make new and renewed connections to the fleet and its members.
On Thursday evening, May 6th, we will also be restarting the annual spring meeting after a one or two year hiatus. I hope you will be able to join us. The upcoming Nationals rules changes, fleet finances, and scoring procedures are among the items on the agenda (shown nearby).
MRA registration is due May 8th — however I’d ask that you get your registration submitted to Doug Trees by April 30th. The Rhodes 19 Class will be voting on new rules this year, and only paid members will be eligible to vote. Note that a Fleet 5 registration form is enclosed in this newsletter. The MRA form is available at www.mheadrace.org
Included in this newsletter is the ‘almost complete’ 2004 season schedule. The only thing omitted is a joint Rhodes 19 / Sonar fleet party that is still in the planning stages.
Tom Despres has signed on as Social Committee chair, and we are planning a series of reinvigorated social events for the season.
This year the CYC Sailing Committee will be holding a ‘Sail Expo’ on May 8th, open to all. This will be a great event where you can pick up information on anything having to do with sailing — race committee, MRA, the various one-design classes, etc. Fleet 5 will be represented with a table, of course.
A belated welcome to some new fleet members who hope to be on the line racing this year. Bob and Claudia Meyer bought a boat last year and went through some gyrations getting it put together but should be good to go. Al Clapp also bought a boat last year as well as crewed, and hopefully will racing more this year. He will have Diana Logan, a sometime Corinthian sailor, with him. A new Fleet 5 roster will be included in the next newsletter.
Finally, Fleet 5 has two new arrivals (that I know of!). Long time fleet 5 member Shannon Doane is the proud new parent of Finnegan Porter Doane (came home on St. Patrick’s Day, no less). Tom and Erinn King were blessed with a new baby girl, Gracie, in early March. Tom joined Fleet 5 last year as my crew and is eagerly developing his sailing skills. Hopefully he’ll still find some time to sail this year.