Greeting from the Prez – April 2009

Fleet Registration and Social Event, Friday May 1st
Fleet 5 and the Kentucky Derby

In the last newsletter we announced a fleet registration night for May 2. There has been feedback that Saturday the 2nd is the date of the Kentucky Derby and that conflicts with Derby parties would impact attendance. Rhodes 19s versus the Derby, who knew! So we are taking another tack. Sorry for any inconvenience but the combined fleet registration night and spring meeting a.k.a. the Pre Derby Event will be Friday May 1.

Save the date Friday May 1 6:00 at Tom and Judy Despres’ house, 48 Evans Road, Marblehead. RSVP to Fleet Social Chair Jim Raisides, 781-634-1602, Cocktails start at 6:00, fleet meeting and registration at 7:00 and potluck dinner at 8:00.

MRA Registration

Included with this mailing are your registration materials. If you were registered with MRA last year you will find a pre-filled MRA registration form along with the Fleet 5 form. Please verify the information, complete the form, and either send your forms with payment to Doug Trees, 557 Bay Road, PO Box 489, Hamilton, MA 01936 or bring them to the fleet meeting on May 1st

MRA Rules Seminar, April 29

For all of us who weren’t that sure of the old rules this is a must show. The MRA is hosting a rules seminar on April 29 with Ken Legler, John Dieselman and Pete DeWolfe as speakers at the Gerry 5 at 7 PM.

In case you missed it there have been changes to the Racing Rules of Sailing starting this year with the biggest change being the expansion of the two-boat length zone to three boat lengths. Avoid embarrassment and confusion and mark this on your calendar