There are several important issues that you need to know about, so be sure to read all the way to the end, since that might save you some money!
First up, while the sailing season is over, our party season is not. In fact, our annual Awards Party is perhaps the most important one of the year (it’s when we hand out the swag, after all), and it is coming up fast on November 10, generously hosted by Peter and Wendy Frisch at 20 Mostyn Street in Swampscott, near Preston Beach.
So far, not too many of us have gotten around to RSVP-ing, and it’s time to do just that. It’s especially important for a large number of us to show up, which all but one of us failed to do at the MRA awards night, leaving Jocelyn Cook to cart away our trophies. Not a good look, and not to be repeated at our own Awards night. There are three groups that really have to show up on November 10:
First, those who failed to appear last year to pick up trophies that are still on the Fleet 5 ‘Shelf of Shame’:
Ben Richardson: Race Week 2017
Team Nelson: Several MRA 2017 awards
Team Colsman: ‘17 Hallawell Family award (Pick up your keeper and admire your name on the perpetual!)
Bill Rothwell: ’17 Rookie of the Year, (also pick up your keeper and admire your name on the perpetual!)
Eric Thornton: Has the dubious distinction of still not having picked up a 2013 award!
Second, those who have won 2018 MRA trophies:
Spring Series: Kaznoski/Cook, Team Pandapas, and Larry Ehrhardt
MRA First Series: Frisch/Hourihan, Team Pandapas, and Team Taylor
MRA Second Series: Team Taylor, Team Pandapas, SteveUhl
MRA Third Series: Frisch/Hourihan, Team Pandapas, Steve Uhl
MRA Labor Day Regatta: Team Pandapas, Larry Ehrhardt, Lane/Heffernan
MRA Overall: Team Pandapas, Team Taylor, Steve Uhl, Frisch/Hourihan, Kaznoski/Cook
MRA Fall Series: Team Pandapas, Lane/Heffernan, Team Taylor
Race Week: Dave Nelson, Team Pandapas, Kaznoski/Cook
Twilight Series 1: Team Casler, Sheldon/Sousa, Steve Uhl
Twilight Series 2: Team Pandapas, Team Colsman, Team Martini
Twilight Series Overall: Team Colsman, Steve Uhl, Team Casler
RTTC Grand Prize: Team Pandapas
Third, there are the perpetual awards, to be announced at the Award Party (appropriately enough!) The winner might be you, so don’t risk missing out on enjoying our own version of a Duck Boat Parade.
Hallawell Family Trophy
Rookie of the Year
Most Improved
Richie Santos (crew)
President’s Trophy
Hackers Award; (Awarded by readings taken from the Hack-o-meter, stolen from Pleon
You are not done yet! Read on…
You may have seen Doyle One-Design’s offer of discounts on fall sail orders. In the fine print, it mentions that there is an extra 5% discount for fleet orders. There is still time to do that if we act fast. All those who plan to (or already have) ordered new sails for the 2019 season should contact me ASAP at so that I can put a fleet order together with our own World Champion Jud Smith.